Why choose Griffin Group, CPA to perform your audit?

Industry Specific

Griffin Group, CPA is exclusively dedicated to the condominium and homeowners' association industry. We understand the many complexities of condominium and homeowners' associations and will keep you in compliance with your states requirements.

Unique Audit Design

Our audit design is specifically tailored to the condominium and homeowners’ industry. It includes an electronic workflow utilizing state-of the-art accounting practices and technology while, the majority of CPA firms today are stuck in the past. 

Competitive Pricing

Through our audit design and technology we are able to perform most, if not, all work remotely. This enables us to significantly reduce our overhead costs, that savings is passed on directly to our clients. We perform exceptional quality work while maintaining, extremely competitive pricing. 

Clear Communication

We have  great respect for those who volunteer their efforts to make their community a better place to live. Association managers and members deserve a CPA firm that is responsive and can explain things in a way that is clear and transparent.

We offer discount incentives to new clients because we know that after meetings us and talking with us, there is no doubt you will come back to us. 

Tax Returns and financial statement presentation are always included in our audit fees.


Griffin Group, CPA

Request a Proposal Today!


P: (800) 934-7172

E: info@griffingroupcpa.com


1550 Larimer Street, Unit 954

Denver, CO 80202

6330 N Andrews Ave, Unit110

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

2419 E Harbor Boulevard, Unit 54

Ventura, CA 93001 (Mailing Address)